The truth, straight from our resident vegan cardiologist, Dr. Heather Shenkman is that we have the power to not only prevent the leading killer in the United States today (heart disease), but we can actually reverse it. The @veganheartdoc talks about nutrition, exercise, sleep, total wellness, balance, and peace - all of which she has tested herself as an accomplished athlete and cardiologist. Dr. Heather just opened up her very own Cardiology practice this year, got her new book published the end of 2017, The Vegan Heart Doctor’s Guide to Reversing Heart Disease, Losing Weight, and Reclaiming Your Life, and is living proof that this lifestyle will leave you not just surviving but thriving. This is the last podcast in our Love Month series in February on how to take care of your physical heart as well as your emotional one. You won’t want to miss this upbeat, fact-giving, possibly life-changing episode of Lauri’s Lemonade Stand, A Positivity Podcast for Women.
Are you inherently lovable? Are you good at your decision-making skills? Are you a Starter that doesn’t ever finish or Close? I will tell you that I was great with two out of the three and in this podcast you get to learn which one I definitely need to work on! Dr. Guttman is really, really good at what she does and with over 25 years of collective experience it’s easy to understand why. I love her “Path To Sustainable Life Satisfaction” theories and know that if you jump on this bandwagon you better be prepared to quite literally change your life for the better. Let Dr. Guttman show you how to get insights to a better life, right here, right now. Enjoy today’s podcast as we talk serious, but laugh hard. You’re gonna love, Dr. Guttman!
Sex, Love, Romance - it’s the month to really focus on these things whether you are single, newlyweds, new moms, or empty-nesters. Truly love can be found for all of us at any age and any stage. Marnie Nir is an expert in the Love and Life Coaching department with years of experience that we tap into during this podcast. True to her word of having a truck-driver mouth, Marnie is also full of wit, wisdom, compassion, sincerity, and fun! Listen to us have some serious (not so serious) girl talk about our 3 H’s…are your 3 H’s all 100%?? Listen in to find out how they can be with some sizzling talk on love and sex for this awesome Love Month of February!
Tapping into your divine feminine energy to become a love magnet as an AlphaGoddess - this is what Orion does. She has lived through the most abusive relationships, struggled through depression and loneliness, but found that first baby step through humor, then surrender through deep self-care. These steps led her to the love of her life and a career she is ridiculously passionate about. Jump into this Love Month podcast and learn how to trust yourself, find the courage and confidence you need, then jump on over to Orion’s website at and download your FREE 7-Day Love Challenge that only comes once a year. Love is in the air!